

Improving efficiency in power generation with the next-generation technology

自然界に無尽蔵に存在する風を利用した風力発電はクリーンエネルギーとしてコストパフォーマンスが高く、エネルギー変換率が良いため世界中て普及、拡大しています 。 現在、国土の狭い日本においても、設置可能エリアが広域て環境規制や周辺人家への影響が少なく、 年間を通じて安定した風力が得られる洋上風力発電に注目が集まっています。 一方で、海洋国家と言われる日本ですが、実は洋上風力発電の先進国である欧州と比べて遠浅の海域が少なく、着床式の洋上風力発電の適地には限りがあります。そこで現在、国をあげて開発に取り組んでいるのが浮体式洋上風力発電システムです。

私たちの提案する2枚翼風力発電システムは、軽量で施工性が良く、調達 及び経済性に優れ、台風などの日本の気象・海象条件にも適応した先進的な発電システムです。現在、その特徴や経済合理性を生かし、国立研究開発法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 (NEDO) の進める「次世代浮体式洋上風力発電システム実証研究」の実証機に搭載され、実証運転を実施してまいります。 私たちは2枚翼風力発電システムを通じて、浮体式洋上風力発電のみならず、陸上風力発電、洋上着床式風力発電も含め、風力発電事業のトータルソリューション企業として、常に新しいステージを目指し、地球規模の視野で地域社会と共に活動してまいります。


Barge floating offshore wind power system from Japan

Wind power generation that uses wind that is inexhaustible in nature has high cost performance as clean energy, and high energy conversion efficiency, so it is spreading and expanding its industry around the world. At present, even in Japan, where the land is small, there is a great deal of attention being paid to offshore wind power generation, which has a vast installation area with less environmental regulations, less influence on neighboring residents, and more stable wind power throughout the year instead. On the other hand, however, Japan, which is said to be a “maritime nation,” actually has less shallow waters suitable for bottom-fixed type wind power generation systems compared with European countries, which are advanced areas of offshore wind power generation. Therefore, the whole country is now trying to develop floating type offshore wind power generation systems.

With our two-bladed wind turbine, we propose competitive, advanced light-weight technology, which is easy to install offshore and additionally gains advantages over a three bladed one in terms of dealing with Japan’s severe water and weather conditions, such as a typhoon.

Making use of these advantages, we have been selected by NEDO(New Energy and Industrial Development Organization) for doing experimental research on “the Next-generation Floating System” study including delivery and operation of the demonstration project.
As a total solution provider and forward-looking company, we commit ourselves to helping make the world sustainable and globally and locally working on this challenge together, with onshore wind power generation system and offshore bottom-fixed type as well as offshore floating type all lined up.

Advantages of a two-bladed wind turbine

Adaptation to severe weather conditions in Japan

ブレードが2枚になることにより、幅広になるため剛性・強度が向上。一方で、ブレードの枚数が減ることにより、台風などの日本の厳しい気象条件に対応でき、強風の影響を1/3程度に軽減できます。暴風時の大幅な荷重低減により風車、タワー等、システム全体の 軽量化・コストダウンが可能になります。
2 bladed wind turbines have advantages over 3 bladed ones in respect of rigidity and strength, becoming more suitable for severe weather conditions such as a typhoon: the impact of extreme wind condition can be reduced up to approximately 1/3. Significant load reduction in the event of an extreme storm allows reducing the weight of the entire system, including the drive train and the tower, which is leading to overall reduction in cost.

Reduce the influence of wind to ⅓

Cost reduction with high installation efficiency by weight reduction

Our innovative light-weight drive train concept leads to weight reduction of up to 35 – 40% compared to a conventional drive train concept.
One further major advantage of a 2 bladed concept is, that the hub and rotor blades can be mounted to the nacelle in advance inside the harbor, which leads to significant time- and cost-reduction for offshore-installation.

[Three wings] It takes time and effort to separately attach the blades and nacelle to the tower.
[Two wings] It saves time and effort to integrally attach the blades and nacelle to the tower.